Here is a page from the booklet we created to inspire others to join us in the participation journey: Caterpillar to Butterfly – Participate! [PDF, 0.4MB]
What is Participation – Caterpillar to Butterfly
One Voice at a Time – 16-Page Film Booklet
By popular request, here is a copy of the film booklet: One Voice at a Time 16-Page Film Booklet [PDF, 3.7MB]
If you’re looking for the film itself, please click here.
Question Time Peer Education Project
8 amazing young people from Clydebank Women’s Aid, Edinburgh Women’s Aid and ASSIST took part in our peer education project. We wanted to find out their views about improving services and they wanted to learn from our experience of talking to adults in power so they could put VAV’s Question Time panel – Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Cllr Harry McGuigan and Tam Baillie – on the hot seat.
Question Time Peer Education Project Report [PDF, 3.2Mb]
Our Standards
Standards are a set of basic rules and regulations that help protect members of VAV, they say how our group should operate and make sure we work efficiently as a team. They are also criteria for good participation and we make sure others that work with us (especially adults) keep to the standards too. You can read more about our standards, or download the complete booklet:
VAV Standards Booklet (PDF, 1.3Mb)
VAV messages to young people and adults in power
Messages to Young People and Adults in Power [PDF, 295kb]
One Voice at a Time
Tackling Domestic Abuse Through the Voice of the Young
A film made by Voice Against Violence, 8 young people with first-hand experience of domestic violence who became expert advisors on Scotland’s domestic abuse policy.
Our film and booklet are all about VAV’s experience of domestic abuse and participating. We know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Some of our stories may be upsetting to you (they could bring back memories or correspond with what’s happening now). BUT by listening to us, we hope you can see a brighter future around the corner!
Watch the film:
One Voice at a Time – tackling domestic abuse through the voice of the young (15 mins) from media co-op on Vimeo.
Or you can watch the film in three separate parts:
- Part 1: You can get through it (4 min 58 sec)
- Part 2: Want Some Expert Advice? (4 min 18 sec)
- Part 3: Take a Stand (5 min 10 sec)
Contact us to order copies of the DVD, leaving the number of DVD’s you require and full address.
We also have a 16-page booklet accompanying the DVD, full of some of our top tips and information about the film; if you wish to print out additional copies separately, you can check that out here.
Warzone Campaign Film
Voice Against Violence played an important role in developing the Government’s Domestic Abuse Advertising Campaign which was launched on 1st February 2011. It is targeted specifically at young people and and uses the slogan “Feel like you’re living in a war zone?” The ad was shown online on various websites like Facebook or Bebo. There were also posters sent out to schools across the whole of Scotland.
Warzone Campaign poster
Here is the poster for the Warzone Campaign that was sent out to schools.
You can also download a full size Campaign poster [PDF, 1.33Mb].
Shaping the Future Survey
Over 600 people completed the VAV Shaping the Future survey. The results were published in October 2011 and the findings are now being used to help develop policies and influence the people in power with real young people’s voices.
The report includes some shocking statistics:
- 28% said they would accept one-off violence from a partner
- 17% said they would accept one-off violence between parents
- 11% would accept forced sex
Download the report here: